We are starting a simple movement:
Embracing the full richness of life through heart-to-heart connections.

What is BONDO?
Heart-to-heart connections with loved ones, friends, and acquaintances feed a primary need in all people.
Poets describe this feeling with words of love and longing, but true connections are born from the stillness of an open heart.
Spiritual seekers seek this stillness by turning within, often overlooking where God’s presence is most alive — in the human encounter.
BONDO describes the capacity to form heart-to-heart connections in the moment and grow them over time. It’s a conscious act similar to the theatrical term, “breaking the fourth wall.”
In the same way that the fusion of nuclear forces powers the universe, BONDO transforms human boundaries to release love, creativity, and meaning. The closest equivalent comes from Plato’s concept of Eros: the ‘ladder of love’ that guides human transformation.
We have identified seven guideposts – Seven Seas – for building these deeper, richer connections.
This is an invitation to step beyond dogmas and theologies to discover the living presence we seek by opening our hearts to others.
The Seven Seas of Bondo
1. CONNECTION — A shared, energetic vibration deepens through face-to-face proximity and time. Connection describes a deep sense of being on the same team. In Bondo, a shared guidance steers the ship so that mutual decisions flow effortlessly.
2. CONVERSATION — Call and response is a creative force that builds the substance of intimacy. Unlike “communication,” being “in conversation” is always two-way.
3. CARING — Caring for our fellow humans begins with emotional availability. This means stepping outside of oneself and recognizing the needs of another.
4. CURIOSITY — Everyone carries a hidden story of struggle and adversity that we can learn to embrace without judgment. In true Bondo, we give the gift of attention to not take a friend or partner for granted. Being attentive is how we grow closer.
5. CIRCULATION — Like bees bringing pollen to the hive, Bondo is energized by the impressions and life experiences we bring into a relationship. The influx of outside energies prevents the sticky cling of co-dependency.
6. COURAGE — A genuine connection begins with risk. Crossing the gulf of conflict and misunderstanding releases a force that opens the heart. This means placing one’s opinion on the shelf, even if for a minute, to understand another person’s point of view.
7. CONSTANCY — A commitment made outside of time transcends the walls of despair that divide us. Can we stay on a shared journey despite our differences? This is the key to continuous renewal, emotional availability, and love.

Each friend is a world in us.
“Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
~ Anais Nin
“If you can fall in love again and again… you’ve got it half-licked.”
~ Henry Miller reflecting on life at eighty
Photo: Henry Miller & Anais Nin
Bondo is the common thread for the people who rise to the top in life, career, and love.
It also takes many forms: Michell Obama offering 15 seconds of connection, Kelly Clarkson spreading the love with a street musician, and Anthony Bourdain going heart-to-heart with the pizza guy.
Thoughts on Bondo
An inner hunger drives us on, an urge to come closer to other people. ~ JG Bennett
"Something is lacking in us, and we have an inner hunger that drives us on, an urge to come closer to other people, to overcome our inner emptiness, and to find our place in the scheme of things.It is only when we stop trying to use the world to fill this...
No longer on the run from your aloneness, your connections with others become real and creative. ~ John O’Donohue
"Each one of us is alone in the world. It takes great courage to meet the full force of your aloneness. Most of the activity in society is subconsciously designed to quell the voice crying in the wilderness within you. The mystic Thomas a Kempis said that...
Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. ~ Anthony Bourdain
"Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a...
Bondo is a work in progress…
Connecting heart-to-heart is natural — but you have take the plunge.
We will be creating opportunities to build some muscle memory with Bondo.
Author Bruce Miller, with help from his therapist friends, developed Bondo as a way to restore deep human connection after his wife passed away a year ago. Much to his surprise, it worked.
To learn more about the writing and work of Bruce Miller, visit his author website at
Or visit Bruce’s Substack blog at

Bondo Life is a work in progress being organized by Bruce Miller and Carole Anne Cantey. Please stay tuned as we bring the people and parts together.